Thursday, March 13, 2014

Songs of the Flesh by Elspeth MacLean

Songs of the Flesh by Elspeth MacLean

It's been about a year since I "blogged." I was under instructions from the powers that be to "write." Not blog. During the last year, I've had things I wanted to blog about, but withheld my opinions in order to be a more focused writer. Meh. Today, I blog. I'd like to talk about my book, "Songs of the Flesh," written under the pen name Elspeth MacLean. This is my first pseudo-steampunk fighter chick novel. There's at least one more percolating. My daughter inspired the main character, Reggie Halfdan. Songs of the Flesh isn't all sex, all the time. Reggie becomes imbued with the spirits of fallen heroes while fighting her way through a labyrinth. Her companion is a Dog Boy named Hundi--a wolf shapeshifter. It is a bloody, tense, sexy (yes, there is sex in it) tale.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I am not a grumpy Lokean Elder

I once posited that there are two types of mainstream Christians.  Those who suffer as Christ suffered and those who do service as Christ served (love, compassion, etc.).  It's no different in the Lokean realm.

I am first and foremost a practitioner of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.  However, being so adhered does not preclude me from honoring the protective functions of the universe in very personal and sometimes intimate ways.  The Buddhist Gods are not limited to those named in mythology.  A Buddhist God can be anywhere, anything, any time and any place.  The Buddhist Gods are not outside us; they are within us.

I have a unique relationship with one protective function of the universe given the historical name of, "Loki."  Norse Trickster.  World-breaker.  God of Change.  Husband, wife and consort/lover of many.  Gender fluid and proud to have both sired and given birth to many babies.

We first joined forces 40 years ago.  About 13 years ago He said, "Hey, babe...I'm your Muse.  Let's write."  In 2012, He chose to reveal himself to me in a new way.  It's been fun.

In fact, when speaking with Him about our unique relationship, it has been determined between us that the purpose of same is "to have fun."  Fun is often overlooked in favor of one's daily grind.  Loki wants me to have fun.

Thereby, I do not embrace the world-breaker or bound-sufferer aspects of Loki.  I've met them both, to be sure, but those faces are not the ones He wishes me to see.  He wants me to have fun.  Not malicious, "tricksterish" fun, but joy.  Boundless joy.  Which brings me back to my practice of Buddhism.  Those who chant will derive boundless joy from the Law (Mystic Law of Cause and Effect).

I am not a grumpy Lokean elder.  I do not aspect His suffering or rage.  We skip merrily along an astral path, laughing all the way.